The Blessed Are Foundation


Greetings from the mission field.08/01/22

Wonderful pics and updates coming this week!     Smile, you are loved!

Volunteers from Hanover Cap Group

The Sermon On The Mount
Give On Chain. Save Off Chain. Help Non-Profits.

Greetings from the mission field. 12/31/21

It is with a grateful heart that we give thanks to the Lord for the challenges we faced and overcame in 2021.  Our humble mission continues to grow.  Together we’ve prayed and spread the Gospel in NYC, Ghana, and Hot Springs, Arkansas as well as telephonically around the world in partnership with the bible study and prayer group provided by our Ghanaian liason, Brother Dennis Otu.    With your help 2022 will be even  a greater success.

In November the cousins of foundation member Joseph, donated items of their recently deceased parents, George & Shirley Terral  to the Foundation in the form of an estate sale.  Nearly $8000.00 was raised to support our mission.  Additionally we donated many items to various local Hot Springs charities.  George & Shirley were wonderful people to say the least, and will be sorely missed.  Many of us lost loved ones this past year, and we’ll hold dear those special memories in our hearts until we meet again.  We have this great hope in the coming of our Lord!

We’re grateful beyond words to all who donated both time and money in the Hot Springs, AR community.  A special thanks to Steven Mross  of The Hot Springs Sentinel-Record newspaper, who penned  a fantastic article on our mission and the charity estate sale.  It was a combined effort of love and generosity for a concern that touches all of our hearts:  homelessness and orphans.  

December 29, 2021 The Blessed Are Foundation is excited to announce that it is the inaugural 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization teaming up with Giving On Chain.  Giving on Chain will manage Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) & cryptocurrency donations made to The Blessed Are Foundation via Giving On Chain’s user interface.  These donations are tax-deductible.  Please pray that God will bless and sanctify this arrangement, so that all may prosper.  If you’re interested in donating cryptocurrencies directly you may do so here

Let’s continue to pray for the homeless and orphans, and together, with God’s blessing, do something about it.  May the Lord bless you and keep you and your loved ones healthy and safe in the coming year.  Happy New Year!

God's creation on display.
George & Shirley Terral
After prayer and donation to fuel this beloved family's vehicle, this tiny angel had a contagious laugh. Jesus said we must change and become like little children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Matthew 18:3
Give On Chain. Save Off Chain. Help Non-Profits.
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NASB)
George & Shirley's beautiful garden property.

“In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ Acts 20:35. (NASB)

Cheerful givers, volunteers John, Carol, and Michelle pause between packing.
Fantastic new friends who donated.

"but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never be thirsty; but the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up to eternal life." John 4:14 (NASB)

August 2021, Chinatown New York City

Brother Dennis Otu gears up for his mission to Ghana with water filtration systems he personally purchased to provide clean drinking water for some local Ghanaians and his family.  Dennis, leaving nothing to chance, had the filters sent to the foundation’s NYC home office, where he next had them shipped to Ghana as the original manufacturer could not.  What a labor of love.  The foundation has been blessed to be able to reimburse Dennis so he can better use his personal funds for his rapidly expanding family, which just doubled in size!  

Update December 2021 Praise God, Dennis and his wife Hannah have recently taken in two orphans as their own.  The adoption process is ongoing.  God-willing it will resolve quickly and may God bless this new family.  Amen.  We can’t wait to share pictures of the family.   Dennis continues to liaise for us in Ghanna.

Water filters taller than brother Dennis!
Dennis Ghana bound. Joseph to Hot Springs. God be with you til we meet again.
Is that a halo on Dennis?

Aug. 2021 Hedge of protection upon sister Sonia in New York City. Do you see it?

"The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them." Psalm 34:7 (ESV)

You don't see her, but she's there. We snapped this picture of our dear friend Sonia hunkering down for the night, just before sunset near Chinatown NYC in her new sleeping bag. The foundation provided it after she was robbed of all her possessions. We prayed a special hedge of protection upon sister Sonia. Do you see it?

Return soon for more updates. The Gospel is moving fast. Time is short. Be vigilant and please find time to thank God today, even if it's for your struggle.